Single-handedly destroying 30 years of pleasant reading

Saturday’s edition of the Salt Lake Tribune included a Reader Advocate section with the title “Blogger’s saga ignites some sparks among readers” with the following quotes from a few upset subscribers in reaction to the piece about my website:

I have subscribed to The Tribune for nearly 40 years. Until recently I have looked forward to reading the paper each morning. The content and appearance becomes more unsettling every week. I will be canceling my subscription soon if the ridiculous content on the front page continues.

Ridiculous content! Why didn’t I think of that one first? I should hire this man to write copy for my mastheads. I’d also love to invite him over to watch America’s Next Top Model and time just how long it takes for his head to explode.

I felt that Saturday’s article about a blogging mother was interesting. However, the erotic story it opened with was totally inappropriate. Please be cleaner in the future.

Granny? Is that you? If it is, can I make one suggestion? Whatever you do, DO NOT GOOGLE MY NAME.

May I tell you how horrible the story ‘According to Dooce’ was. How could such a bunch of garbage talk show up on the front page? I am an avid reader of the Trib and have been for 30 years or more. I have never had such a negative reaction to something in all my reading history of the paper. The story on the front page had no business being there.

I’m getting the impression that the Mormons didn’t appreciate my breasts with their morning prayers.

The huge picture and accompanying article ‘According to Dooce’ is totally inappropriate for the front page of a major newspaper. This article should have been less extensive and published in a local section or even banished to the Friday community pages — which are nothing but fluff articles anyway.

I happen to agree with this one, and in fact when I saw how huge the photo of my head was on the front page I felt outraged on behalf of Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, whose photo was not even a tenth as big. My dad told me not to feel so bad, that no one, not even a Nobel Peace Prize winner, gets a photo as big as mine unless his story involves boobs. Note to future Nobel Prize winners: fight poverty and cure diseases with your shirt off.