Last night I got to see The National perform at the Twilight Concert Series and snap some photos during the first three songs. This is the lead singer Matt Beringer in the middle of singing the chorus to “I Should Live in Salt”:
I should leave it alone but you’re not right
I should leave it alone but you’re not right
I should live in salt for leaving you behind
I have so many more photos to share with you and thoughts about the show and what this band has meant to me over the last couple of years. And I will get to that. Soon.
First: I wanted to announce the winner of the year’s subscription to Netflix, someone chosen randomly from all the commenters on this post. Congratulations to Jordan Frampton. Here’s to many happy hours of streaming to you! Thank you to everyone else who commented and joined the discussion.
Second: I’m going on vacation. Away. Out of the country. Taking a break because I desperately need to recharge. Posting next week will be extremely light, although I will be featuring a few guest posts from my friend Sarah Brown. Who is Sarah? I’m glad you asked:
Sarah Brown is the author of the Man Booker Prize-winning novel The Sock You Keep Your Dildo In, published in 2012. She lives in the Arctic Circle with her husband, Ivor, and their two children, Batman and Gwyneth. She is asleep.
Sarah blogged at Que Sera Sera for over ten years but currently writes at her Tumblr, Damn Gina.
It is going to be fun. And you will like it.
I will see you when I get back and will have a metric shit ton of photos to share with you, some possibly of snakes, spiders, mink, bats, mice, and you know, very hungry and aggressive bears. Canada, are there hockey players out there in the wild?