
Charlie foxtrot

This is beginning to sound like a broken record, I know, but the last several days of our lives have been nothing but a tidal wave of heartbreaking chaos. Jon’s sister-in-law died on the morning of his birthday, this following a night that had ended in a pretty ugly display of ineptitude in parenthood on my part, one that I’m not sure I can forgive myself for.

Marlo isn’t sleeping, and yesterday we had a bit of a medical emergency with Leta, only to get a flat tire on the way home. This morning I woke up at 2 AM to the smell of poop, couldn’t get back to sleep, and then when Marlo woke up at 5 we discovered another pool of canine diarrhea, this time all over the inside of Coco’s crate.

The next few days are going to be consumed with family obligations, and sadly this will be the fourth funeral of a close family member we’ve attended in the last nine months.

I can’t really find anything profound or funny to say right now, only that as Jon was changing the flat tire I had to arch my back so that my face was facing the sky directly. And then I shouted, PLEASE, LIFE. LET US CATCH OUR BREATH.