Stuff I found while looking around

– Spectacular Self-Portraits by 18-Year-Old Alex Stoddard (more here)
– Formerly Mormon ‘SYTYCD’ Champ Benji Schwimmer Comes Out as Gay in Fascinating Interview:
Benji also discusses his past struggles with thoughts of suicide and even the idea of castrating himself and taking reverse-hormonal pills so that he would no longer have any homosexual urges. “Do you believe that I should be celibate for the rest of my life? Is man meant to be alone in this life?” he asked one church advisor, who warned Benji that any traditional marriage to a woman would be doomed, but also told him that a physical relationship with a man was out of the question.
– UGH! Finally!
We’re taught to do things the right way. But if you want to discover something that other people haven’t, you need to do things the wrong way. Initiate a failure by doing something that’s very silly, unthinkable, naughty, dangerous. Watching why that fails can take you on a completely different path. It’s exciting, actually
– I really don’t link to enough photos of dogs.
– Conflict Kitchen is a take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict.
– This kid can write. The one and only living unicow:
I used to ski. My mother is one of those world class skiers. It was imperative that I know how to ski. My dad doesn’t ski. He’s balance challenged. Don’t tell him I told you. We all pretend that the day I stopped skiing was the day I skied into that tree, but it’s really just because, when my family goes skiing, I get 3 days of hiking alone with my dad and the dog (my dad’s favorite kid).
– Cosmo’s 44 Most Ridiculous Sex Tips. This is the funniest thing you’ll read all day.
– Michigan’s body politic isn’t ready for female anatomy. VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA.
– Underground New York Public Library
– MAXGIF: Stupidly big GIFs. Just keep clicking.
– A few of my favorite recent tweets: