Stuff I found while looking around

– The flickr stream of photographer Randy P. Martin
– Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon take on hashtags
– Things are somehow different in Canada.
– “Looking up at the night sky, it’s hard not to wonder how many other planets might be circling those pinpricks of light – and how many are home to beings gazing back at us.”
– Why I’m Glad I Quit New York at Age 24:
When I describe my West Coast existence (sunshine! avocados! etc.) to some New Yorkers, they acknowledge that they really like California, too, but could never move there because they’d get too “soft.” At first this confused me, but after hearing it a few times, I’ve come to believe that a lot of people equate comfort with complacency, calmness with laziness. If you’re happy, you’re not working hard enough. You’ve stopped striving.
– Crayons carved into tiny sculptures
– “In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.”
– Bryan Cranston’s Favorite Erotic Fan Letter
– The Running Man/Hunger Games Musical Spectacular
– Recreating ridiculous family pictures
– “Good typography uses smart quotes, not dumb quotes”
– If Rappers Were Copywriters:
Though we did say we want copy that pushes the envelope, this may be pushing it right off the table. You’ll notice that the list of pre-approved profanity we provided includes “fuck” and excludes “nigga.” We strongly feel that “nigga” is not a Polo word. Please substitute.
– Illustrations by Nolan Pelletier
– How many full-time minimum wage jobs would you need to afford two bedrooms in San Francisco?
– Mercedes-Benz’ Magic Body Control suspension system explains exactly why I need chickens.
– Again.
– NERD ALERT: If George R. R. Martin wrote Breaking Bad
A few of my favorite tweets from last week:
[sexy librarian removes glasses] nice [removes hair] what [takes off wooden arm] NO [rolls glass eye across counter] um, just this book ok
— Ceej (@ceejoyner) September 23, 2013
PITCH: Where Are They Now for dead people
— Jason Berlin (@JasonBerlin) September 23, 2013
HR: There's no "I" in Team Me: There's none in Boobs either HR: Me: But there is in TITTAYS! HR: Me: Look, I've no idea how this game works.
— John Solo (@Shock_Monster) September 24, 2013
When I take a girl to meet my parents, I bring her to a cemetery and say "There they are" and point to some ducks
— Jacy Catlin (@ieatanddrink) September 25, 2013
Your password must include 5 minutes of interpretive dance, 15 excerpts from contemporary fiction and 1 word made up by Shakespeare.
— Blair, Loudly (@BlairLoudly) September 14, 2013
Our names look so cute together in this restraining order.
— Victoria Sofia (@Ideal_Victoria) July 25, 2013
what if Spider Man has to stop a crime in the countryside
— Dave Dittell (@davedittell) September 8, 2013
Maybe ducks can't stand the sight of bread and they just don't know how else to make it go away?
— Steve (@WigCannon) September 19, 2013
Gram in 2010: "When is your book out?" Me: "2013" Gram: "I HAVE TO LIVE THAT LONG?" Jan 15/13 I sent her a copy inscribed "YOU MADE IT"
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) September 18, 2013
Competitive swimming is so weird it's all like hey survive faster than the rest of these almost naked people but do it backwards sometimes
— Jeffrey Hadz (@Hadzilla) September 24, 2013
Don't you hate it when you're reading a sentence and it doesn't end how you testicles.
— Anti-Joke Cat (@AntiJokeCat) September 11, 2013