


I am going to hold off on the post that I was writing earlier before I heard about what happened in Boston, and instead share this picture I have of the statue of Paul Revere that I took during a trip to that amazing city last year. My thoughts are with everyone there, with the victims, with those who trained for months in preparation for the race, with those who were there to support their loved ones, and especially with those brave men and women who rushed immediately to the side of those who were injured.

It’s all still scary and unfolding, but reading ongoing first person accounts via twitter and facebook remind me that we’re living in a very unique time where individuals have the capacity to cause real change and effect measurable good (this twitter feed is astounding). I’m seeing people welcoming strangers into their homes, people posting directions to aid stations, pictures of loved ones being reunited, and a lot of people cutting each other some much needed slack. And it all started happening within minutes of the blasts. Sure there’s the usual ugliness that exists on the Internet, but the good stuff right now is flat out inspiring especially in the midst of something so tragic.

All of my love to you, Boston.