Curate for a Cause

Today I’m really excited to announce a couple of thrilling upcoming developments, projects that I’ve been tackling on the side in the moments that I can find outside of what I do here.
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to serve as a member of the Every Mother Counts Board of Directors. This is an organization that I’ve been close to and worked with for almost two years, and so I am very honored and humbled to accept the invitation to join a team of advisors dedicated to the mission of ending preventable deaths due to pregnancy and childbirth.
(Photo taken by me in June, 2011 at Dhaka Hospital – iccdr, b, Bangladesh)
The timing of this couldn’t have been more fitting because I was very recently approached by the flash sale site Joss & Main to take part in their Curate for a Cause program, an event where a portion of the proceeds from each item sold benefits a charity that I am passionate about. With Mother’s Day just a couple of weeks away I thought this wold be a fantastic way to draw awareness to Every Mother Counts and the work that they do for mothers around the world.
Here’s how it goes: I worked closely with Joss & Main designers to find family-friendly decor and products inspired by the rooms in my own home including furniture, accessories and accent pieces. When we were looking through products they asked me if I had any tips for creating a kid-friendly space, and I realized that whenever I invest in a piece of furniture, I have to go into it knowing that my kids are going to be kids. Things are going to break. There will be smudges and dents and stains from children who are doing nothing other than being children, and I have to look at it like a living scrapbook. My couch will tell the story of Marlo’s infancy.
I also love color just as much as my kids do, and I think color and texture are a great way to add fun to their living spaces. This is why I have a pink accent, a wooly blanket and a package of emergency wet wipes in every single room.
The event launches on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 9PM ET and runs through Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 11AM ET. I hope you’ll hop over and take a look around because of how much this will benefit such wonderful organization.