Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed

Today I do not have any fun Easter stories or crafts or DIY projects to share with you. No jokes about the Easter bunny or anecdotes about spilling dye on furniture. I spent most of yesterday alone cleaning out a neglected room, carrying bags of paper and boxes to the recycling bin at the side of the house, a bin I rolled to the curb last night at dusk. And then I came inside my empty house and listened to the silence.
Sometimes when I do this thing—this blogging about my life—and I’m grasping for words to write, I start to get anxious or feel guilty or a combination of both. Today is one of those days, so instead of uselessly kicking at those feelings I’m just going to let it be and admit that I’m having a bad day. Tomorrow could be different or more of the same, but I’ll deal with it when it happens.
In the meantime, I found this really amazing cover of one of my favorite Radiohead songs “Kid A” by a band called Punch Brothers. Feels appropriate that I found it today.
Here’s the original: