
Stuff I found while looking around

– Moment Junkie: The Coming Undone

Moment Junkie is a blog devoted to showcasing the best in contemporary wedding photojournalism, with a focus on moments between people that are timeless, heartbreaking, hilarious, or all of the above.

Louis CK’s Shameful Dirty Comedy

All the greats had their focus: Richard Pryor and Chris Rock had race, George Carlin had absurdity, and I think Louis has hit on some sort of subterranean undercurrent of emotion that I didn’t realize might be swelling until I listened more closely: shame.

– The first person to crack and look at their phone picks up the check.

Essential Kubrick animated .gifs

Goths up trees

My life

A Post Gender Normative Man Tries to Pick Up a Woman at a Bar:

Of course, if you would like to continue to sit here silently, staring at me with that powerful gaze, which both breaks gender constructs and also scares me a bit, that would be fine as well.

– A few of my favorite tweets from the last week: