Stuff I found while looking around

– This Guy Turns OCD Hoarding Into Amazing Photos
– Louis C.K.’s Girls Can’t Have Cell Phones
– A collection of memorable falling scenes in cinema and TV.
It was never the snap trauma, the quick moment of action that breaks a person. PTSD is the wages of a life spent in crisis, the slow, thematic build that gradually changes the way the sufferer sees the world. You get boiled by heating the water one degree each hour. By the time you finally succumb, you realize you had no idea it was getting hotter.
– What I’ve Learned: Michael Wright
I now know what it’s like to have a 110-story building that’s been hit by a 767 come down on my head. For better or for worse, it’s part of my life. There are things I never thought I’d know that I now know.
– The Official “Fun vs. Effort” Graph of Pets. I love that there’s a baby on here and its placement on the graph.
– Favorites: Favorites is a weekly email of amazing photography curated Heather Champ. Subscribers can send in their best photo of the week and I’ll select a few to share with the list, complete with the photographers’ names, descriptions, and links to their sites.
– Brilliant: Gay Liberal Lawmaker Releases Ad Featuring His Tea Party Republican Dad
– If Picasso had painted superheroes
– Wonderful animated soccer vignettes
– Without the freedom to play children will never truly grow up:
Playing is learning. At play, children learn the most important of life’s lessons, the ones that cannot be taught in school. To learn these lessons well, children need lots of play — lots and lots of it, without interference from adults.
– It is, in fact, fun to stay there.
– Ricky Gervais tells a story about how he learned to write.
A few of my favorite recent tweets:
Lets take a moment and thank God that spiders can't fly.
— Condescending Wonka (@OhMrWonka) September 17, 2013
If you see a bear with cubs, the best thing to do is pick up the smallest cub and hug it very hard. This shows the mother that you are kind.
— John Lurie (@lurie_john) September 15, 2013
I don't think the country that sells Dolly Madison Pink Frosted Zingers should be preaching about using chemical weapons on people.
— Dana Gould (@DanaJGould) September 6, 2013
I think we're all ready for Wolf Blitzer and Bryan Cranston to switch names.
— Aaron Fullerton (@AaronFullerton) September 18, 2013
90 year old man keeps saying "whatever" to his nurse and he's my new life coach
— shelby fero (@shelbyfero) September 14, 2013
I must have asked at least 20 people at work and literally not one single person knows what IDK stands for
— k e e t (@KeetRidley) September 11, 2013
"Smashing Pumpkins" is also a compliment you hear a lot in British porno
— Cullen Crawford (@HelloCullen) September 6, 2013
Have a headache? Eating a carrot can help if you take a Advil after it
— Carrot Facts (@RealCarrotFacts) August 30, 2013
Do you ask questions in meetings, therefore prolonging meetings? Look around – people are planning your death.
— molly (@Molly_Kats) September 11, 2013
Everybody on the subway looks like they're waiting for biopsy results.
— Alex Baze (@bazecraze) September 4, 2013
Guys, I think we've been doing our dick pics all wrong! Girls want to see the underneath part
— Jacy Catlin (@ieatanddrink) September 7, 2013