Stuff I found while looking around

– The flickr stream of Aliza Razell
– What happens when placeholder text doesn’t get replaced
The idea of divine inspiration and an aha moment is largely a fantasy. Anything of value comes from hard work and unwavering dedication. If you want to be a good artist you need to look at other artists, make a lot of crappy art, and just keep working.
– Even though this is exactly like something kids at BYU would do to have fun, it did make me smile anyway.
– Timelapse of a spider weaving its web
– Oh, how I love her so: First lady Michelle Obama photobombs the Miami Heat with a thundering slam dunk
– Paul Ryan, Asshole of the Day for March 6, 2014
– Awesome city neighborhood posters
– “I am ashamed of my uncontrollable laughter.”
– Almost 500 foods contain the ‘Yoga Mat’ compound. Should we care?
– Sheep? No. Let’s talk about the dogs who herd them.
– We Shop Because We’re Lonely, We’re Lonely Because We Shop:
A 2008 study found that people who imagined they were socially excluded put more of a priority on money, appearance, and popularity. Similarly, people who remembered instances of being socially excluded became more attached to their belongings for comfort.
– Norway’s lovely memorial to the worst mass shooting In modern history
– Extraordinary: new app will allow you to read novels in under 90 minutes
– And the future continues to rapidly unfold: The world’s largest photo service just made its pictures free to use
– Genius: Multi Tool Utility Case for iPhone
– “Can you believe the random objects I found in their colons?”
– Well, this just punched me in the gut.
– 22 minute video tribute to Philip Seymour Hoffman
– A few of my favorite recent tweets:
John Travolta accidentally pronounced Idina Menzel's name as Adele Dazim. On the bright side, he just got hired at Starbucks
— Eliza Bayne (@ElizaBayne) March 3, 2014
It’s amazing how fast your mood can change after you step in some water with socks on.
— Jiminy Kicks It (@JiminyKicksIt) March 6, 2014
The hardest part about being black is deciding what stereotypes to live up to. And remembering not to step on my penis.
— Travon Free (@Travon) October 8, 2011
The Rock knew his wrestling career was over when he looked across the ring and saw his opponent… THE PAPER.
— JerryThomas (@JerryThomas) April 4, 2010
"Freelancer" is a cool word for unemployed.
— Greg Dorris (@GregDorris) March 4, 2014
If you see someone wearing camouflage, make sure to walk right into them so they know it's working.
— Shari VanderWerf (@shariv67) February 28, 2014
oh you need to see my ticket to the monster truck rally? here's my fucking ticket *pours ketchup on everything*
— Brian Gaar (@briangaar) March 3, 2014
The Winter Olympics are my favorite celebration of reasons we invented roads.
— braden graeber (@hipstermermaid) February 9, 2014
My grandfather's generation had to win a world war. My generation had to scan in clip art. Both super inconvenient.
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) March 7, 2014