Stuff I found while looking around

– Dramatic Photos of California’s Historic Drought
– My boss Joan Rivers was like nothing you’d ever expect and like everything you probably imagined.
– A Facebook map of which NFL team gets the most Facebook “likes” in each county in the entire United States
– 100 most iconic shots in the history of cinema
– The Many Stylings of Modern-Day Dandies
– Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom:
I feel like parenting is defined by this constant angsty tension – wanting so much for a hard phase to be over, simultaneously feeling guilty that we are wishing it away, and then immediately grieving each stage as soon as it has passed. It seems like we are constantly sandwiched between a hope for an easier stage, and a regret that the harder stage is gone.
– An Instagram feed wherein Jarod Allen recreates profile pics on Tinder. This one is a particular favorite of mine:
– A compilation of April insulting Ann from “Parks and Recreation”
– ‘Snowplow parents’ overly involved in college students’ lives:
Parents have the delusion that what they’re doing is helping but it’s okay to let your kid fail in safe circumstances.
College has always been, in part, an education in separation, a time of transitioning from adolescent to adult. But some administrators say they see greater parental involvement postponing that.
– Oh, America: The Best-Selling Car In Every State
– I could not possibly love this more: Game of Thrones – 60’s/Saul Bass style title sequence
…if you now suffer from fear of bunnies, fear of bubbles, fear of bathtubs; if there was disturbing bending, twisting, squishing noises; if there was extraneous clamping, rashing, tearing, minor penile electrocution; if you had to visit an emergency room to have a six-pound singing bunny surgically truncated from your loins—you may participate in the class action lawsuit
– I think I have a new assignment for Coco: Watch As People Flee In Terror From The Giant Mutant Spider Dog
– Classic First Lines of Novels in Emojis: A Quiz
Some of my favorite recent tweets:
— Zoë Klar (@madamezooble) August 20, 2014
I wish I had seen the look on my son's face when he opened his lunchbox and found a note that read "there's no such thing as a free lunch."
— Loco Eric (@ericsshadow) September 4, 2014
[talking to tattoo artist]
"I want the sword way bigger than the eagle but I don't want him struggling to hold it"
— Brent (@murrman5) September 2, 2014
Sometimes when I listen to Miles Davis I think I'm hearing Charlie Brown's teacher having a panic attack
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) September 4, 2014
"I need less of this" *makes talking motion w/ hand* "and more of this" *elaborate pantomime depicting the prep / serving of waffles*
— Musky Lozenge (@LostCatDog) April 16, 2013
*puts tons of bumper stickers on back of car* Now people will know specifically what sucks about me.
— patrick (@tastefactory) August 31, 2014
*accidentally uses flash while trying to take pic of funny looking person on the bus*
*makes distant thunder noises with mouth*
— Ray (Sir E) (@SirEviscerate) August 6, 2014
Well yes doctor, obviously I DID think it would be funny to put googly eyes on my penis before this checkup.
— Thynebear (@Thynebear) September 2, 2014
Very nervous to use the bathroom because i ate twenty-five sticks of gum exactly 7 years ago tonight
— shut up, mike (@shutupmikeginn) July 6, 2014
Sorry I can't make it, I'm busy trying to plug something in from an awkward angle.
— Smug Lemur (@Smug_Lemur) August 23, 2014