Stuff I found while looking around

– The flickr stream of Paolo Barzman
– Newspaper Pages cut like embroidered lace by Myriam Dion
– Short, surprisingly haunting film: “Imagine an empty worrying Paris.”
– Cats That Look Like Male Models
– 11 Ways I’m Trying to Achieve a Sane Relationship With the Internet:
1. Don’t wake up with the Internet. Have breakfast, walk the dog, read a book, whatever … do something before getting online. Think of it as a way of preparing – physically, mentally, emotional, morally, etc. – for all that follows.
– Photo: Massachusetts officers salute police dog on his final trip to the vet.
– From Banksy: Random graffiti given a Broadway makeover (an ongoing series).
– Related: Noel Gallagher, Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon and Paul Weller perform “Tender”
– You’re not a dog person? You will be after this.
– One of the many reasons to love this man: John Hodgman Retweets Dozens Of Health Nightmares
– Meet two cancer patients whose treatment is on hold due to US gov shutdown: an 8yo girl, and a father of 3
– Capitol Shooting Coverage Is Getting Postpartum Depression All Wrong:
Our country continues to stigmatize mentally ill people instead of questioning whether it might be a good idea to provide them with more and higher quality services instead of killing and incarcerating them.
– What is postpartum depression?
– Library of Congress shouldn’t exist because, “All that stuff is published online, bro.”
– The Overexposed Model: Portfolio of the unknown overexposed model. You know you love me.
– Adorable Baby White Lion Cub Perfects Her Fierce Roar
A few of my favorite recent tweets:
My mom just replied to my text with "K." Whooooaaa busy lady, is there some emergency over on FarmVille?
— Steve (@FSUSteve) March 26, 2013
Shelves in the closet fell in the middle of the night & now we know that in case of emergency we would run around the house in our underwear
— Beaujangled (@Beau_jangled) February 20, 2013
When asked what my greatest weakness is in job interviews, I always say fire.
— cocakoehler (@cocakoehler) December 28, 2011
The prequel to 16 & Pregnant could be called “15 & Fully Trusted By Her Parents to Make Good Decisions. We Love You Brittani!”
— Rob Fee (@robfee) October 2, 2013
I bet you $1000 Joe Biden comes back from the government shutdown with his hair in island braids.
— Eli Terry (@EliTerry) October 3, 2013
Have we tried turning the government off and on again?
— Kelkulus (@kelkulus) October 1, 2013
When I see a flash mob in public I immediately join in to make it seem like they didn't practice enough.
— Eye Andy (@AndyShulk) April 25, 2013
Thought I was at a Nicki Minaj concert for 15 min before I realized I was just watching a homeless man yell at a squirrel.
— Joshua Wake (@WakeVII) August 30, 2013
I can count the number of good experiences I've had after "breaking up into groups" on one middle finger.
— Lucky Shirt (@luckyshirt) August 29, 2013
There's a block between 1:30am & 5:30am where no kids are cute.
— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) September 23, 2013
Everyone's always so excited to see babies walking until I expose how easy it is to push them over
— Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) August 3, 2013