Alotta frittata

I’ll be honest and admit that I had no idea what a frittata was until I saw it popping up in every single one of the Paleo cookbooks that I own, and now it’s so prevalent in my brain that I am known to walk around the house singing, “Hakuna frittata!” You’re welcome.
Everyone has their own take on the recipe, some bake it in the oven, others leave it on the stove top. Some add chicken, others ham, some are vegetarian, some even include zucchini noodles. I’ve made this a few times and modified the recipes from Paleo Cooking from Elana’s Pantry and Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook
to come up with something all my own. Almost 11 years ago when I announced I was pregnant and readers were like OH GOD NO NOW YOU’RE GOING TO GET ALL MARTHA STEWART ON US, well, it happened. It took 11 years, but dammit, I WROTE A RECIPE.
– 2 tbsp coconut oil
– 1 onion, chopped
– 1 cup chopped mushrooms
– 1 cup chopped kale
– ½ sweet potato, shredded
– 6 strips of bacon, chopped
– 9 eggs, whisked
– salt and pepper to taste
1. Fry the chopped bacon on low in its own pan.
2. Sauté the onions, mushrooms and sweet potato in the coconut oil in another pan on medium until all ingredients become soft, about eight minutes.
3. Add kale to the vegetable pan and cook for another two-three minutes.
4. Transfer bacon to vegetable pan and stir thoroughly.
5. Pour the eggs into the mix making sure they cover everything evenly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
6. Cover the pan and reduce heat to low. Cook for 20-30 minutes until the eggs are done.
7. Cut into wedges like a pizza and serve.
I really like the juxtaposition of the salty bacon and sweet potato. These go great with salsa, tomatoes or avocados. One of these will feed me for three straight nights or for breakfast in the morning (it tastes just as good cold, much like a pizza). You can’t really go wrong here unless you let your four-year-old crack the eggs into the bowl, turn your back for just a second and notice that she’s thrown the broken shells in there as well. Not so easy to fish out!
Previous recipes:
– Date orange bread
– Spaghetti squash with meat sauce
– Zucchini noodles with avocado cream sauce
– Cauliflower fried rice and sautéed mushrooms
– Tuna patties and coleslaw
– Your basic chicken salad
– Mild yellow chicken curry
– Curried cream of broccoli soup
– Paleo carrot soup