Stuff I found while looking around

– Klaus Pichler: “For this photo series I visited owners of elaborate costumes in their own homes.”
– I need Zach to come with me every time I go to the gym.
– Halloween costumes for programmers
– Kurt Vonnegut’s letter to five high school kids:
Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.
– Map: Six Decades of the Most Popular Names for Girls, State-by-State
– The evolution of music players illustrated
– 30 Non-Americans On The American Norms They Find Weird:
Your toilets are too low down and the stalls have massive gaps around the door so that people can see in.
You can put a man on the moon but can’t design a setup whereby I can have a shit in comfortable privacy. Sort it out America.
– In honor of the winning team of the World Series
– Photos of cats stuck in trees
– 20th Century headlines rewritten to get more clicks
– RuPaul gives Henry Rollins relationship advice.
– Gorgeous furniture made from a whole tree trunk
– Michelle Obama Responds to Kanye West’s Recent Comments:
Dear Kanye,
Hi, it’s Michelle. Michelle Obama, Barack’s wife. Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America.
That makes me the First Lady of the United States of America. Me = Michelle Obama.
I hope all is well.
– AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME: Select Magazine Website
– Some of my favorite recent tweets:
several animals were harmed in the making of this film. a piece of shit horse nobody liked and a gecko that we straight up lost
— lawblob (@lawblob) October 10, 2013
I help old ladies at the crosswalk by patting them on the back and saying "just do whatever you did to get to the crosswalk."
— Travis Bowe (@BoweKnows) August 18, 2012
Air hockey teaches people how to aggressively clean a kitchen counter.
— Marco Vernacatola (@MVernacatola) December 25, 2012
Restraining orders don't count if they're your soulmate.
— moody monday (@mdob11) October 17, 2013
Kanye yelling at a bar of zest that nobody is fresher than him.
— Dan Spooky Last Name (@danjan13) July 10, 2013
So I said, "Hey are you done with this light, that's been on, in this room that you're no longer in?" …And that's how the fight started.
— Babies Daddy (@dshack8) October 24, 2013
A grenade is a bit drastic, but I would catch a bread roll for you.
— Heisenturd (@NotKevinSheedy) April 12, 2013
I don't speak fluent bird but I'm pretty sure the ones outside my bedroom window right now are asking me to kill them.
— Joel Danger (@joeldanger) March 26, 2013
At what age did you guys let your kids know that Canadians are real?
— Southpaw (@_SetTheHook_) October 22, 2013
I'd like to point out that during the time the NSA was spying on our allies, our allies never attacked us. The program works.
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) October 30, 2013