Stuff I found while looking around

– The First-Ever Pride Parades, In Vintage Photos
– Whatever. When I was eight years old I could pick my nose.
– You know, that giant inhale of breath pro wrestlers take before screaming.
– Economists Have A One-Page Solution To Climate Change:
“If you let the economists write the legislation,” Jacoby says, “it could be quite simple.” He says he could fit the whole bill on one page.
Basically, Jacoby would tax fossil fuels in proportion to the amount of carbon they release. That would make coal, oil and natural gas more expensive. That’s it; that’s the whole plan.
– This map shows how America compares to the rest of the world on gay rights.
– Whoever made this animated GIF, you should have said hello. I didn’t see you standing there.
– Disney Rejection Letter, 1938:
“Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that work is performed entirely by young men.”
– Cher Translates Her Crazy Tweets and It Is the Absolute Best
– A must see: gorgeous short film about giraffes which are very quickly becoming my new favorite animal
– Read the comments: “@dooce Maybe you should change your name to “Douche”? Not your place to judge or comment.”
– Photo gallery: Chip Starnes, president of the Florida-based Specialty Medical Supplies, is being held captive by about 100 workers in a Beijing factory over a pay dispute.
– OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG: Dog Takes Puppy on Journey in Shopping Cart
– Each One Wonderful: New York City Dogs
– I love a brand with a sense of humor.
– Wimbledon quiz: guess the grunt. Can you match the shriek to the star?
Some of my favorite recent tweets:
so im jus chilig on a ledge premtendig to be gargoyle when these firemen show up tellig me dont jump but they got a big trampoline so idk
— jomny sun (@jonnysun) February 3, 2013
Meets wolves Befriends wolves Flirts with wolves Asks wolves to prom Dances with wolves
— Lazy Joe Sleeping (@lazy_joe_) June 18, 2013
I can almost always tell if a movie doesn't use real dinosaurs.
— Evan (@evofck) July 7, 2012
Every time someone declares beastiality or pedophilia as the inevitable result of marriage equality, I sorta think they're secretly hopin'.
— Greg Knauss (@gknauss) June 26, 2013
If you put a helmet on your baby, it will be fine in the dishwasher.
— Snorklhuahua (@weinerdog4life) June 16, 2013
The first person who saw a kangaroo reach into its pouch never fuckin' thought it'd yank another little kangaroo outta there
— Brian Essbe (@SortaBad) June 18, 2013
Four? Come on, Ben. You lazy bastard. Is that all you can fold?
— Steve Taguchi (@CoatCzech) June 14, 2013
No one in Mumford and Sons has their shots.
— Greg Dorris (@GregDorris) June 18, 2013
The kids will be mad at me when they discover it isn't illegal to talk in the car while I'm driving.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) June 17, 2013
SEX TIP: keep track of multiple orgasms in the voice of The Count from Sesame Street.
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) June 23, 2013