After years of thinking we would get around to this, and obviously, not ever getting around to this, and also, spending several months trying to find the right fit, because I am very picky about fit and don’t particularly like my clothing to feel like it is standing in for the equipment doctors use to measure blood pressure, we here at the Blurbodoocery have finally got the machinery together to sell t-shirts. See here, The Dog, earning his right to sleep inside:
Soon after this picture was taken Chuck got to look at Australian Shepherd porn. That’s how he asked to be paid.
Chuck is modeling a Ladies Tee made of fine cotton jersey, although he would look just as dashing in the Mens Hanes Beefy-T. All shirts are black and feature a white dooce logo on the front. Each shirt comes with the magical ability to make strangers stop you in public and ask, “Douche?”
You can purchase shirts and see us modeling them here. Now we’re going to have a celebratory martini for having completed a goal we set only three years ago. Progress!