The good people over at Apartment Therapy asked if I would let them take a peek into my workspace and answer a few questions about the gear and accessories scattered about, perhaps to gain insight into where and how this blog happens. So I took a few pictures and sent them over (click here if you want to see the whole collection):
See if you can spot my college diploma from BYU in the slideshow, it’s in there, I took it out of the dusty box in the attic because, wait a second, the tears are just beginning to form in my eyes right now, and look, there they go down the side of my face, it’s just, how proud am I that I got the same education as this dude:
Though nowadays, we not only have to accept people’s choice to be gay, we have to celebrate and encourage them. Before we know it, it will be pedophiles and heroin addicts as the lovable heroes of sitcoms. The media will whine about their rights, and any attempt to condemn such behavior will be decried as bigotry.
Like, totally. I mean, think about it. Before you know it these same depraved people are going to demand the right to marry animals. If you let the gays have their gay, PEOPLE WILL WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH COWS. THIS IS CLEARLY LOGICAL THINKING.