I spoke at the BlogHer Conference on Saturday night and felt flattered and privileged to share the stage with the beautiful Stephanie Klein who was so well spoken and professional that she simply blew me away. We talked about what it’s like to live a good portion of our lives publicly, and Elisa Camahort (the moderator) put us both at ease on stage. Things got a little tense when I talked about how weird it is to live with the reality that many people write about me as if I am not a real human being, and what I hope everyone took away from the discussion is that I am still learning to cope with and process some of the more uncomfortable things people have and continue to say about me, despite the good or bad intentions with which they write them. Because I am not the maniacal robot some people think I am.
Also, yes, I know I took a huge risk walking out on stage in that outfit, and I can’t tell you how many times in the past few days I have read something similar to OH MY GOD SHE WORE PURPLE TIGHTS. Let’s just say I can mark that off the list of risks I must take before I die. Next up: drinking a beer in front of my father, although that one could prove fatal.
(photo by Jon)