To grandmommy’s house we go

Yesterday the girls and I drove out to my mother’s house for lunch, and I’m sure I’m going to get a lot of stern email about this but what the hell. I like to snap photos out of the window just to see if any of them turn out. I’m more concentrated on driving, so most of the time the shots are either totally blurry or I’ve just captured a picture of the dashboard. I could put together a whole scrapbook of accidental dashboard shots. And my bishop would be so proud.

I got lucky with these yesterday, and I’ve found that in my limited free time I really like to manipulate my iPhone photos with different apps and play with Instagram. The two apps I use most are Snapseed and Afterglow. Both are super easy to use and so much fun, and neither of them paid me to say that. I just wanted to mention them if you’re into photography with your phone. Those are the apps I used to edit these photos.

Also, I discovered two Instagram accounts dedicated to photos of Zac Efron. TWO! And I’m sure there are even more out there! Like, if I weren’t so addicted to “Homeland” I could totally get rid of my television.

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