Stuff I found while looking around

– Nabil Nezzar’s “Hommes”
– Yes, I’m Paleo but I remember distinctly how annoying it was when my doughnut was stripped of all its joy
– “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
– In Defense of Clair Huxtable and the Angry Black Woman in TV and Beyond:
More than all women, black women are rarely afforded space to express anger. When we are wronged and express our anger, we are dealt with and punished for expressing our frustrations….One letter went as far as characterizing me as a “finger-waving, hand-clapping bitch who just set my cause back decades.” It was that moment that taught me as never before that no matter how successful I am, no matter how articulate, no matter what I accomplish or acquire, that when I do not uphold the standards of respectability, I will be checked, punished and dismissed as an Angry Black Woman.
– Special effects supervisor Kevin Pike talks about the making of the opening shot of Back to the Future
– This is for my friend Tanya and her daughter Ally: One Republic’s “I Lived”
– 10 things you should never say to someone with bipolar disorder:
Referring to somebody as “bipolar” sort of insinuates that the only thing this person is is an illness. Their entire entity is just a disease. My surname is Parkinson so, can we not add to this, please?
Rather, I think it is more polite to say someone “has bipolar” than “is bipolar”. You wouldn’t say that somebody “was cancer”. You wouldn’t say: “This is Maya. She is diabetes.” But people will talk of someone “being bipolar”.
“I didn’t lie,” Mam says when I ask about the allegations. So why did she remain silent? The global news cycle demands responses, I tell her. “I was not silent. I had so many lives to fix,” she says, referring to the girls in her care. As the crisis grew, Mam says, she needed to reassure them. “For me, it’s not about fighting with everyone,” she says. “My priority was the girls. That’s not silence.”
– Infographic: How Designer Dogs Are Made
– Related: Dogs of the World
– I want to be this kid when I grow up.
– The portfolio of caricature illustrator Rodney Pike
– Top 10 Makeup Transformations In Movies
A few of my favorite recent tweets:
Me driving is just a lot of screaming "DON'T YOU DO IT" to other drivers.
— Molly (@Molly_Kats) September 25, 2014
SO TIRED of clapping happily when a kid takes more than 1 try to blow out birthday candles. His wish is screwed, why are we ignoring this
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) September 3, 2014
Brad Pitt stands in the desert, fully expecting the worst gift ever but opens the box to find a perfectly good Gwyneth Paltrow head.
— Bob Heller (@Bob_Heller) September 7, 2014
Anyone who says uncircumcised penises looks "gross" doesn't understand the foreskin actually evolved as a way to carry around a pine cone
— Jacy Catlin (@ieatanddrink) June 12, 2014
How weird was the first robber to wear pantyhose on his face
— Jason Lastname (@JasonLastname) September 22, 2014
Vacation fun idea: While sightseeing, ask a stranger to take your picture, step back a few feet, then start slowly removing your shirt
— Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) September 10, 2014
Well it took forever but I just paid the pizza guy entirely with the quarters I found behind his ears.
— Nathan Buckley (@duplicitron) July 17, 2014
Clam chowder is basically the ocean blowing its nose in your mouth.
— Julius Sharpe (@juliussharpe) September 26, 2014
I wonder if Superman ever put glasses on Lois Lane's dog & she was like, "I've never seen this dog before. Is this a new dog?"
— Rob Fee (@robfee) March 20, 2014
The older I get, the more I will fuck you up if you mess with the thermostat settings
— Brian Gaar (@briangaar) September 23, 2014