Stuff I found while looking around

– Ido Yehimovitz’s Greatest Rides
– This right here is for my niece Sienna who is on her high school track team.
– Is it better to rent or buy?
– Utah is just so damn adorable.
– Modern-Day Slavery in America’s Prison Workforce:
After six months of work, Hazen left prison the way most people do: with a criminal record, no meaningful job experience beyond what she went in with, and not even enough savings to buy a suit for a job interview ($43).
– Because you need a good cry (don’t say I didn’t warn you): Ryland’s story
– Follow that up with some laughter: Cellphone crashing in Beverly Hills
– Everything You Don’t Know About Tipping:
Effort matters: Food delivery guys are undertipped—they’re like a waiter except your table is on the other side of the city. $2 really isn’t a sufficient tip (and one delivery guy I talked to said 20% of people tip nothing)—$3 or $4 is much better. And when it’s storming outside? The delivery guys I talked to all said the tips don’t change in bad weather—that’s not logical.
– Infographic: Songs of Summer
– Bridger Winegar’s pinterest account
– I really admire people who are strong enough to do CrossFit, but I’m still laughing so hard I can’t breathe: CrossFit Fails
Some of my favorite recent tweets:
Found a napkin in my car. Frankly, I don't recall putting a napkin in my car. Made me think — There could even be another napkin in my car
— Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) April 30, 2014
1. Set up a new bank account online
2. Answer "Your Mom" to all security questions
3. Call them to reset your password
— matt (@biorhythmist) May 11, 2014
The men who wear Speedos are never the men you want to wear Speedos.
— Frank Lowe (@GayAtHomeDad) April 28, 2014
Nobody on this train is decent enough to give up their seat for a pregnant woman & now I gotta stand here w/my sweater balled up in my coat.
— Caissie St.Onge (@Caissie) December 16, 2013
The best way for me to get my 3 year old's attention is to try and rest for a second.
— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) May 23, 2014
SAFETY REMINDER: Glueing popcorn to the ceiling makes a cheap alternative to installing a fire alarm
— Ash Warner (@AlsBoy) May 30, 2014
"Alrightalrightalrightalrightalrightalr" ~ An entire conversation between Andre 3000 & Matthew McConaughey
— Michael (@Home_Halfway) May 29, 2014
It's REALLY hard to find words to comfort a guy going through a breakup if he's also a struggling fisherman.
— Matt Roller (@rolldiggity) May 10, 2014
Ambulance is spelled backwards on the front so when you look in your rearview mirror you don't confuse it with the other giant siren cubes.
— The Natewolf (@thenatewolf) May 13, 2014
Just saw "Godzilla" and it's given Me all kinds of exciting ideas.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) May 16, 2014