Stuff I found while looking around

– The portfolio of photographer Michael Wolf
– An uninsured physician assistant learns first hand the cost of care:
Then the bills started to arrive. The full tab for an ER visit, a CT scan, a dose of IV antibiotics and hospital admission came to more than $30,000 — and that was without an appendectomy.
– Want to know what a nine-year-old is like on a weekend with nothing planned? This.
– After I get chickens I’m getting one of these.
– 11 hidden messages in company logos
– Creator of the GIF says it is pronounced “Jif”
– No, no, no, no, no, no, no: 18-Foot Oarfish Livens Up A ‘Leisurely Snorkel’ In California
– A Month of Son, Love The Unknown:
Now, when people ask me if my son will one day live independently, or have a job, or find a partner, I answer them honestly: “I don’t know”. I no longer pretend that I have any idea what will happen in the next year or decade. And I’m so much happier this way.
– A very fun read: The 10 Most Dangerous Places In New York City
– Having a bad day? Not anymore: “Chocolate things, chocolate thingies… more chocolate thingies.”
– “They rode around exploring Portland, in areas they both had never been to. Both film photographers. Both so attracted to the way each other saw the world. Both falling in love with each other.”
– Trailer for Dear Mr. Watson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes
– Average house size by country
– Guns ‘N Roses’ Sweet Child o’ Mine played on a Guzheng
A few of my favorite recent tweets:
"Catscan. Cat scan. Cats can." *Biden looks up from his coloring books* "Oh. My. God." *Runs through halls* "Barack you gotta hear this!"
— Collin (@OctopusHandjobs) June 22, 2013
— Chuuch (@ch000ch) July 22, 2013
Me: GUESS WHO BOUGHT A MEGAPHONE? Neighbour: Get out of my house! Me: You're not even guessing.
— Jamie Tighe (@thejamietighe) October 7, 2013
Well well well, if it isn't the guy who threatened to shoot me if I didn't stop repeating words three ti
— sweaty five dollars (@iscoff) September 30, 2013
The best part of the Titanic is when Rose is holding onto Jack and she's all like, 'I'll never let go' and then she lets go.
— TornadoMcSugarButt (@LuvPug) December 9, 2012
If you turn your head 180° your penis becomes a tail.
— S Dot Patrick (@TeflonPawn) October 3, 2013
Next time a hostess tells you to sit anywhere you like, plop your ass on that floor cause they're LYING
— monkey (@ninatreemonkey) October 2, 2013
I want one of those sticker families for my car but where it's just me, my 2 dogs, & my mom looking really disappointed with how things are.
— Lisa Bizzle (@Lisa_Bizzle) October 9, 2013
A rap song where I'm just telling my dog about my day & I keep rhyming with "treats" so he stays interested.
— Jess [ham] (@thejessbess) September 30, 2013
Making fun of someone's age is like mocking them for getting hit by a train because you're standing a little further down the tracks.
— Alex Baze (@bazecraze) October 6, 2013