
A candid moment in Zanzibar

While walking through Stone Town on our last day in Tanzania we stopped at a coffee shop for water and cappuccinos (WHICH WE DID NOT INSTAGRAM), and I caught Christy checking the time or possibly any number of other things on her Apple watch. Like I mentioned, she’s running the London Marathon and is journaling her training on the Apple website which is hopefully bringing so much more awareness to Every Mother Counts and the issue of global maternal health:

– 287,000 women die a year due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth

– 1 woman dies every 2 minutes from complications during pregnancy and child birth

– For each of these deaths, an average of 4 orphans are left behind

– We lose two women per day here in the United States and we rank 60th worldwide in maternal health

– Pregnancy is the leading cause of death in women ages 15-19 in the developing world

– Up to 98% of these deaths are preventable 

Learn more at EMC.