postpartum depression

Stuff I found while looking around


A collection of photography from the National Geographic archives on tumblr

– Infographic of bands from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Good god that place has produced some talent.

A dog who snores like Donald Duck.

– One day that lion will eat him for breakfast, but for now they are best friends.

– Leta is going to love this: Punography

Me and My Mega Commute:

My fifty-five-mile commute, in a 2007 Accord (I call her “Jane Honda”), takes me anywhere between seventy minutes (wildly speeding) and a hundred and twenty (stuck in traffic) each way. I know every pothole, casino billboard, and abandoned deer carcass between Princeton, where my husband and I live, and Passaic County, where I work. I have cultivated a special relationship with the anchors of the BBC World Service. I’m surprised when I’m not in a car: out jogging on weekends, I sometimes catch myself checking my side-view mirror.

– Paula Deen: Gastro Ghouls n’ Fear Fritters

– And this is why the penguin is my spirit animal.

Postpartum Depression Affects 1 In 7 Mothers:

“We discovered 20 percent had suicidal thoughts — these are thoughts of death, thoughts of wanting to die, not wanting to wake up, just escape,” Sit says. “In fact, some patients with very severe symptoms had made the decision to take their lives.”

Cats being jerks. What assholes.

– Okay, maybe not all of them: CHARMING CAT FOUND

Two models are transformed into a series of very different couples through changes in their hair, clothes & make up.

DINKSTEP: A Peter Dinklage Remix

– I just love this: Yesterday I was a jerk but today not quite so much

It’s awkward enough to be walking next to a total stranger through an empty strip mall, but she was walking at a pace that made me really anxious because I was going to be late if I didn’t get my hustle on, but she was older than me and my God, who was I becoming? Someone who fantasized about clipping pedestrians and beating old ladies to the front of the croissant line?

– There are these things. Called helmets. Someone invented them. You might want to look into it.

This. This has been my week.

– This is so Kubrickian: Symmetrees

18 Joyful “Soul Train” Dancing GIFs

A few of my favorite recent tweets: