Winter blues

While the Pineapple Express hits the West Coast and snowstorms slam the East, we’re sitting over here in Utah wondering what the hell is going on. Yesterday the high was 65° and there was not a cloud in the sky the entire afternoon:
I am not complaining and am rather awfully thrilled with the whole thing, but it just doesn’t seem right. Those who don’t believe in global warming like to point to the storms hitting the East Coast as proof of their reasoning, but as we know meteorological phenomena are only going to intensify as the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere rises. It’s what’s happening here in Utah that speaks to the more traditional idea of it all. We are normally shoveling out from three feet of snow this time of year, heaving it onto a pile already six-feet high. We don’t normally see grass, whatever color it is, until May. This is just nuts.
It does, however, make school drop-offs an absolute pleasure. Marlo skips and hops and hangs from the branches of trees all without a coat on. Sometimes while wearing a cheerleading uniform:
Trying my best not to celebrate the beginning of the end of the world.