– People are awesome 2011. You might want to wear a helmet while watching this. All of my injuries screamed at me to TURN IT OFF.
– Vallejo Man Gets Stuck in Baby Swing Overnight. I want to send him a letter and let him know that I appreciate his sacrifice so that I might reflect on this and grin whenever I’m in a bad mood.
There’s no better way to understand just how amazing humans are than the front row seat a child gives you to observe it all unfold from scratch each and every day, from literal square zero. Children give the first four years of your life back to you.
– A collection of charming 2012 calendar designs.
We think it’s cool that there’s one day a year when people can dress up as anything they want. What we don’t think is cool is that increasingly women are only supposed to dress up as one thing: “Sexy _____” (fill in the blank).
– Song of the Day: ‘The Universal,’ Blur. For those of you old enough and not yet so hip that it was beneath you to appreciate Britpop, here’s a quick analysis of why it was so good at its zenith in the Nineties (even though the author does take a potshot at Radiohead). I feel really lucky that I got to experience all of that music as it was being written and recorded.
– Portraits from Zuccotti Park. An arresting set of portraits from the Occupy Wall Street Movement in NYC.
– The Mother of All Hot Wheels Tracks. A 2,000-ft long Hot Wheels track that travels through 14 rooms of a house, along the outside of the home and over a hot tub. Someone actually assembled this and gave my husband ideas.
– Some Revised Tourism Slogans: “Yep, The Philippines, There’s A Whole Bunch Of Them Apparently”