I’m in New York City for a few days to attend a party HGTV is throwing for their hosts and talent, all of whom I will most likely get to meet in person, meaning I am pretty much going to be pooping my pants for the next 48 hours. Soooo, pretty much routine.
Yes, I packed wipes. I’M A MOTHER.
Yesterday after checking in to the hotel, I ran to an elevator that was about to close, and there was Sabrina Soto. Lovely and gorgeous and I am not even kidding, there were rays of light shooting out in a fan behind her head. I was temporarily blinded by her magic wand.
I stumbled head over foot into the elevator banging my head against the wall while she said, “Heather! So good to meet you in person!” Was it the lack of coordination that gave me away? Was it the hair pasted to my forehead because of the way I had slept on the plane? Or was it the way I was screeching SABRINA SOTO! SABRINA SOTO! SABRINA SOTO! GET IT SOLD! GET IT SOLD! GET IT SOLD! Because I have a way with subtlety.
I am going to do my best tonight to hold it together, but you guys, Candice Olson is going to be in the room. And Genevieve Gorder. And every other person who inspires me on that channel. I am thrilled out of my mind and feel really lucky to be part of this. I packed a couple of dresses that I thought were cute, but then here at the last minute I freaked and ran out to find something else. Because it’s New York, and no matter where you are there is bound to be some awesome boutique two doors down. And good food. And warm weather. And sorry, Mom, we’re moving.