1. Because he always assumes that when you say “The Asian Database Administrator” you’re talking about him.
2. Because he stares at your ear when you try to ask him why he didn’t run those scripts.
3. Because he didn’t run those scripts after you’d reminded him four different times, “You have to run those scripts.”
4. Because you found him stuffing Oreos from the kitchen into his pockets instead of running those scripts.
5. Because when you ask, for the last time, “Why haven’t you run those scripts?” he can’t really explain because his mouth is full of cookies.
6. Because he wears Looney Tunes socks.
7. Because he listens to Linda Ronstadt.
8. Because, as far as you can tell, he hasn’t brushed his teeth since he was hired eight months ago.
9. Because he tucks his Hard Rock Cafe t-shirts into his pants.
10. Because instead of the usual “Away” or “Busy” status on Instant Messenger, he sets his to “Mad”.