GEORGE! left for Texas yesterday morning. He dropped out of BYU (like any SANE person should) and is going to continue his education somewhere else in Texas. I cannot even articulate how much I am going to miss that cuddly bastard. Sometimes when we wake up on Sunday morning and he isn’t asleep on our couch with Chuck I get sad. This town won’t be the same without that rascal.
Last night he sent me this email. See if you can read it without tearing up just the TINIEST bit:
FROM: George
SUBJECT: My new email
Why you gotta close the comments?
I get to the hotel in Albuquerque and you have the comments closed? COME ON LET ME SAY SOMETHING MEAN AND HATEFUL TOO!
Being in a car by yourself for 12 hours in a day sucks. I tell you what. At least I can look forward to tomorrow, only about 11 hours! YAY!
Tell Jon, Leta, and Chuck hello. [Editor has deleted the sentence here to protect Leta’s innocent yet very good-looking babysitter]. I miss you already and it’s barely been 24 hours. I’ll always have great memories of staying over at your house playing with Leta and Chuck, and hanging out with you and Jon. Hanging out with you two was just that much more awesome because even though you are 10 years older than me, and Jon is old enough to be my father, you didn’t treat me any differently and I love you for that. You will both always hold a special place in my heart.
Please put the grill and Nintendo to good use, each time you use them you can think of all the good times we shared [like the time I drank all that rum on an empty stomach and he had to witness someone he was related to running to the bathroom to puke. THAT was a blast]. I’ll miss you greatly, and I’ll try to visit as often as humanly possible. Our house will always have an open door for you and the family if you ever wanted to take a vacation. My dad can be enjoyable sometimes, you witnessed this on Christmas day. [Yes, his father kept asking me what I was “gonna wraht next on mah websaht,” which has apparently corrupted more than the world’s fair share of the innocent even though he “ain’t never read none of it.” And just for that here is a picture of George’s father, Danny. Daniel Boone, my mother’s brother. People on meds should NEVER be given the power of the Internet. You didn’t hear that here first.]
I’ll try to call or write you an email every now and then to keep you updated on my business. OF FRANCE!!!
Feel free to post with the pictures of me sleeping. [Oh, I will]
GEORGE! We will all miss you so dearly.
Heather and Jon and Leta and Chuck and The Internet