If reincarnation is true, I want more than anything the ability to dance when I come back as another being. I don’t care if I’m a frog or a piranha or a rock inside a cave. LET ME BE ABLE TO SAMBA! I could watch people dancing for hours. Forever, maybe. And when it’s done right I get goosebumps and start to cry and feel like calling my mom to gush about the beauty of the earth because I know she won’t go twitter about what a nitwit I am.
(plenty of Internet strangers already have that job covered)
I saw this on Kottke today and have watched it several times. And then I got goosebumps so badly that I had to go put on a coat. Maybe I’m being dramatic, but I am so envious of people with this talent.
Just, DAMN!
(also, seeing Patrick Swayze doesn’t help the tears)