It’s time to announce the winners in the xBox Live Second Chance Giveaway, but before I do I want to thank everyone who participated. I know I’ve been doing a whole lot more giveaways than I normally do, and there are few reasons for this: one, these prizes are particularly awesome. Two, it’s the holidays! And three, I want to give back to you after all the support you’ve given me over the years. If this whole thing ignites the tiniest jolt of excitement in the winners, then I think it’s a success.
And so, congratulations to:
Comment #476 tobysensei who wins an xBox plus a Kinect console plus a Joyride game plus a one year xBox 360 Live membership!
Also, the following readers are winning a one year xBox 360 Live membership:
Comment #83 daedreelong
Comment #1475 Junebug
Comment #916 jessjgh1
Comment #2191 KelseyO
Comment #1936 jamyers
The administrators of this prize will be reaching out to the winners shortly. Thank you all again and happy holidays!