Hello, Internet! How I have missed the smell of your breath in the morning!
It’s been much too long since we last spoke, but just when I thought my strep throat was on its way out I came down with a sinus infection. Plus, we had guests in town, plus Leta got sick, plus a death in the family and other devastating news. It’s as if the Universe is bi-polar and isn’t taking her meds, and we all know what that means. Mr. Universe has to dodge flying produce and sleep on an air mattress in the spare bedroom.
We had a wonderful Christmas together, but night after night with the extended family can really take its toll. Leta has learned several new church hymns and we’ve spent the last few days washing her brain out with soap. I’m very excited to get back to our normal lives, and starting tomorrow I’ll be back to my regular posting schedule. I’ve got many stories to tell about Leta’s reaction to Christmas, our weekend spent with my best friend from high school, and the many thoughtful things that Jon gave to me as gifts, including one in particular that stood out from the rest.
Introducing: Dame Eleanor Ritzford-Fitzsimons Puffs. You can just call her Coco.
She’s not a hippopotamus, but she’ll do I GUESS.