Stuff I found while looking around

Laurance Winram photography.

– Ryan Gosling dancing at a Mormon talent show in 1991. I just. I can’t even. Wow.

This right here is performance art.

I can’t apologize enough:

This is an ongoing series of small mixed media drawings. Each one is an imagined apology combined with a pencil portrait drawn from found pictures of people I’ve never met.  

– A mashup of Blondie and Philip Glass – “Heart of Glass”.

14 First World Problems From The 90s

19 Regional Words All Americans Should Adopt Immediately:

If you’ve ever been hoodwinked, duped, swindled, fleeced or scammed, you done been sneetered. The noun version, sniter, refers to that treacherous person responsible for your unfortunate sneetering. Also see snollygoster, a shameless, unscrupulous person, especially a politician.

– Some copywriter had a bad ass time coming up with the packaging for these fireworks.

Overhead photographs of Mexican workers carpooling

Rapping farmers.

Five Is the Magic Number: I’m Technically Cancer Free:

I’ve always felt that I was robbed of a certain kind of innocence when I was told I had cancer, but, suddenly, I can see the invitation in it. I am being invited into a deeper understanding of my place here as a mortal being. I am being invited to value time in a new way.

A Surprise Life Size LEGO Forest Pops Up in the Australian Outback


– A few of my favorite recent tweets: