This is my friend Kate’s dog, Buddy. He’s a twelve or thirteen-year-old black lab (I hope she forgives me for not knowing his exact age). He’s completely deaf now, but he’s still incredibly loyal and tender with kids. He also hasn’t ever touched any of the chickens. It’s like, if a dog could be Mormon, Buddy so would be.
He’ll always hold a special place in my heart because he is how I met Kate. I used to live in her neighborhood, and one day while I was out walking Chuck, she and Buddy were out in her front yard. Buddy tried desperately to avoid Chuck’s annoying, playful advances, this wise older dog a little fed up with the punk rock younger one. We got Coco so Chuck would understand what Buddy was going through.
Kate has been a dear friend ever since. I’m so very lucky to know her. Thanks, Buddy.