
Happy Dooce Got Fired Day

A year ago today I got fired from my job because of my website. And I thought that instead of celebrating with vindictive destructive behavior, like asking everyone to write an email to Her Heinousness inquiring about her recent botox injections, how about I resurrect a past Dooce challenge that many of you may have missed the first time around.

In its former incarnation the challenge consisted of choosing 12 songs and 1 book you’d take with you if you had to flee a nuclear holocaust and/or a second term with George W. And as I got thinking about it, I realized that 12 songs is just too easy. What this challenge needs is a Sophie’s Choice type dilemma: do you choose the socially responsible Bob Dylan song or the Marvin Gaye song that signifies the lusty implosion of your innocence? Could you live with yourself if you forsook the Bee Gees? Choices, people, choices.

I’ll go first, and this was seriously fucking hard:

“Tupelo Honey” by Van Morrison

Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi