Stuff I found while looking around

– Flickr stream of Ólafur Már Sigurðsson from Iceland, such a beautiful, distant world
– RELATED: David Ehrlich’s top 25 films of 2013
– A British Teacher’s Archive of Confiscated Toys
– For my kids: 10 super simple party stunts
– A Writer’s Guide To Keeping Sane:
Think about it this way: if you weren’t worrying about writing, you’d probably be worrying about serious things that actually matter. So maybe writing is keeping you sane by distracting you from worse things.
– Super fun portfolio: Scott Spark Illustration
– I am absolutely in love with Jordan’s bedroom makeover.
– Homeland Vintage Album Art Covers
– 20 most overplayed songs of 2013, one minute mashup
– Oh my sweet dear lord, herding dogs.
– How I Write: James McBride, The New National Book Award Winner For Fiction:
I still write my first 20-30 pages longhand. Then I move to the computer, or I’ll type it—I still use a typewriter, too. I used to use a typewriter a lot more. I needed it early in my career. The computer makes you rewrite and just hit the “insert” key. The insert key is deadly for a writer. You really have to push forward, know you’re going to discard and rewrite everything. Man, I rewrite everything. Even emails I rewrite.
A few of my favorite recent tweets:
As a mortician, I always tie the shoelaces together of the dead. Cause if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, it will be hilarious.
— Caleb Wilde (@CalebWilde) November 16, 2013
Actual Facebook status from a girl who sat next to me in high school history class, "Paul Walker now Nelsen Manndello? Aww hell naw! RIP"
— Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) December 5, 2013
Stop saying 'Black Friday' everybody.
— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) November 30, 2013
Can't believe I ran into my old high school shop teacher at the mall. He looked great! We hugged and high-foured.
— Pat Sajak (@patsajak) November 27, 2013
Boss: There's no 'I' in team.
Me: There's no 'B' either.
Boss: Well yeah…
Me: Or 'Q'!
Boss: Jay…
Me: It's missing so many letters!
— Jamie Tighe (@thejamietighe) December 6, 2013
Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree.
That makes it a plant.
Chocolate is salad.
— Alan Garner (@AlanHungover) December 6, 2013
A fun way to meet new people is to stand on the edge of a public bridge, shaking a baby stroller upside down over the side.
— Matt Roller (@rolldiggity) November 15, 2013
Wait what do you mean Jesus loves me? Did he say something to you? OMG I'm freaking out right now tell me his exact words.
— 5318008 (@primawesome) December 4, 2013
I'm just going to say it: You embarrassed me at the scrapbook and stamping expo
— Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) November 25, 2013
So, like, jellyfish are some kind of angry ocean barf that can bite you? No. I don't think so. Zero stars.
— Jason Miller (@longwall26) December 5, 2013
Astronauts listen you are not that good at making ice cream. Please just stay in space OK.
— Nathan Buckley (@duplicitron) November 13, 2013