Game of Thrones

Stuff I found while looking around


– I am inordinately excited about the World Cup.

‘Bounce’, A Short Film About a Globetrotting Magical Soccer Ball Shot in Canada, France, Greece, the U.S., & Morocco

Man On Twitter Deftly Trolls Gun Nuts

Music lessons:

Music is social. Music is current and everchanging. And most of all, music requires musicians. The winners in the music business of tomorrow are individuals and organizations that create communities, connect people, spread ideas and act as the hub of the wheel… indispensable and well-compensated.

– “Game of Thrones” theme as covered by a live jazz band

– The Mountain from “Game of Thrones” deadlifts 994 pounds

– Related: this is exactly how I explain “Game of Thrones” to friends who do not watch it

– For those who have FINISHED every season of “Breaking Bad” (SPOILER ALERT): Happy Father’s Day, Walter White!

– A non-racist’s guide to taunting at the World Cup

19 People Who Should Never Play With Fire

Two Activists in Mormon Church Threatened With Excommunication

What is Matt Walsh wrong about today?

A Simple Exercise to Increase Well-Being and Lower Depression from Martin Seligman, Founding Father of Positive Psychology:

We think too much about what goes wrong and not enough about what goes right in our lives. Of course, sometimes it makes sense to analyze bad events so that we can learn from them and avoid them in the future. However, people tend to spend more time thinking about what is bad in life than is helpful. Worse, this focus on negative events sets us up for anxiety and depression. One way to keep this from happening is to get better at thinking about and savoring what went well.

How to Tell the Difference Between an Open-Carry Patriot and a Deranged Killer

On Marriage :: A Year Later:

And you might also know that often when you are in that kind of state, all you want is for someone to tell you, maybe every 10 minutes if necessary, that everything is going to be okay. You don’t want them to necessarily fix it or tell you what you should be doing differently or tell you what might make you feel better. You just want comfort. That’s all.

Mad clarinet skills, I tell you.

A few of my favorite recent tweets: