Stuff I found while looking around

– The Big Picture’s photos of winter weather
– 185 book and media covers of Lolita from 37 countries and 56 years
– Sexism Fatigue: When Seth MacFarlane Is a Complete Ass and You Don’t Even Notice
I am tired of being called a shrieking harridan for pointing out inequalities so tangible and blatant that they are regularly codified into law. I am tired of being told to provide documentation of inequality in the comments sections of a website where a staff of smart women documents inequality as fast as our fingers can move. Like, you might as well write me a note on a banana peel demanding that I prove to you that bananas exist.
– Bon Jovi – Living on a Prayer – goat edition
– “2013 Independent Spirit Awards: Best Screenplay Nominees” — A Bad Lip Reading
– Passive aggressive neighbors
– Best News Bloopers February 2013
– In defense of the happy girl:
There’s generally only a small window of time when girls have that mien of utter at-homeness in the world—it gets snuffed out in many of them by age twelve or thirteen, when their glance turns inward, scrutinizing. Anne has somehow managed to retain that bright look, and many people would like to wipe it off her face.
– 15 minutes of people falling awkwardly. Warning: it hurts to watch this.
– Considering I can’t punch a speed bag without it hitting me back in the face, this is unreal: guy punches a speed bag to the rhythm of a song.
– “I told my wife to wake me up every morning with a sharp slap about the face. These are the results.”
– I could not possibly love him more: Ryan Gosling Gets Embarrassed by a Dish Towel
— Here Is Everything I Learned in New York City:
People complain New Yorkers are rude, which is imprecise. New Yorkers are some of the kindest, most good-hearted people I’ve ever met. But New Yorkers are busy, and they cannot tolerate dawdling. And that’s a challenge, because the city is a choose-your-own-adventure game of constant decisions: Cab or subway? Express or local? Highway or side street? Which do you want? Answer now!
– Excuse me, Ms. Pointer. You are wrong. THIS is the gayest.
A few of my favorite recents tweets:
“So how are you qualified to administer torture for the CIA?” “I raised 2 girls, & used to brush their hair.””You’re hired!”
— Terry F (@daemonic3) January 21, 2013
When you say “9 out of 10 forest fires are caused by humans.”All I hear is “there’s a bear out their that knows how to use matches.”
— PoohBear™ (@pbear79) September 15, 2012
I feel like I’m the only parent having their kid’s birthday party at this Hooters.
— Reverend Scott (@Reverend_Scott) February 28, 2013
if only you could get back all the time you’ve spent digging through your purse trying to find something
— Mary Charlene (@IamEnidColeslaw) February 26, 2013
I can’t believe we’ve all just accepted that paper beats rock.
— Zoë Klar (@madamezooble) February 28, 2013
It’s amazing how authors always make their books metaphors for exactly what’s happening in the lives of the book club members who read them.
— Soren Bowie (@Soren_Ltd) February 21, 2013
“Oh god… oh god oh god oh god…” -Conductor of train filled with giraffes after driving through tunnel
— Matt Roller (@rolldiggity) February 28, 2013
You know, it’s easy to make fun of someone just because they’re different. It’s fun too.
— Mike Leffingwell (@mikeleffingwell) February 21, 2013
Pretty psyched that I’d still have two wishes left after giving dogs the ability to roll their eyes.
— Guy Endore-Kaiser (@GuyEndoreKaiser) February 12, 2013
My mom and I do this thing where we say the same joke and I look at her like “I’m not ready” and she looks at me like “you can’t fight it.”
— shelby fero (@shelbyfero) February 8, 2013