Just singing

In the last couple of weeks I have used an umbrella more than I have in the last… ten years? The only reason I own one is because I bought one to travel with so that I don’t ever get caught unarmed again in climates where rain occurs. Snow happens in Utah and usually continues to happen until forever, but this has been the oddest winter. We’ve had far more rain showers than I can ever remember, especially ones that stick around for more than ten minutes. Oh! And thunder happened last week. A single “boom” and Coco peed all over the kitchen floor BECAUSE SHE HAD NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE.
The travel umbrella I have is just a plain, dark blue thing with no personality, so I’m going to buy something with a little more charm in case the odd weather continues. And then when Leta asks me to turn down the music as I pull up next to her school I can jump out with the thing, pop it open and click my heels in the air like Gene Kelly because being 10 years old is not embarrassing enough for her yet.
1. Club Champ Dual Canopy Umbrella $25
2. Totes Novelty Stick Umbrella $12.99
3. ‘Pinwheel’ Umbrella $58
4. London Fog Sport Umbrella $39.99
5. Kate Spade Stripe Umbrella $38
6. GustBuster Classic Black Umbrella $39.99
7. Downpour Umbrella $32
8. Bubble Umbrella $18
9. Haas-Jordan Pro-Line Umbrella $24.98
10. PARACHASE Auto Open Stainless Steel Umbrella $29.99