Mild yellow chicken curry

This week’s experiment in the kitchen comes to you courtesy of Paleo Slow Cooking by Chrissy Gower. Basically you throw a whole bunch of chopped carrots, celery and onions into a slow cooker, top that layer with a chopped sweet potato, and then throw in some chicken thighs (I substituted four chicken breasts). Add a can of coconut milk, one-half cup of chicken broth and 3 tablespoons of curry powder before setting the cooker to high for four hours.
Next time I make this I’ll probably add another can of coconut milk to thicken it up a bit. I also needed to use a bit of salt and pepper to strengthen the taste when it was done, but overall this is a good base for a chicken curry meal. I can’t wait to experiment with it more. In case you want to follow along, here are my other successes so far:
– Curried cream of broccoli soup
– Paleo carrot soup
I realize I’m only three meals into this adventure, but that’s three whole meals I have cooked without burning or cutting off a finger. I haven’t even set off the smoke alarm. I am proud of myself. You better believe I just pointed to my left bicep as if to say LOOK AT THESE GUNS.