That was fun!

This month’s new masthead is up (if you can’t see it empty the cache on your browser and hit shift + refresh) and it is courtesy of Julie Jackson’s brilliant Subversive Cross Stitch. I stumbled onto Julie’s site in October of 2003 and have been a huge fan ever since. I used to be an energetic cross stitcher in middle school and the pinnacle of my skill can be seen on my father’s kitchen wall in the form of a turtle wearing a bow-tie tap dancing over the words “World’s Best Dad.”

Over the weekend I left comments open on the post about the choices we made concerning Leta’s sleeping schedule. I usually turn off comments about a day after I write a post but I wanted to give people more time to share their stories. Interestingly everything remained civil for an entire day, but then things started to deteriorate. This morning things took a nose dive and I think certain people decided a few days ago that they would go off their meds so that when they finally decided to comment on this issue they would appear to be hysterical, raving lunatics.

I didn’t delete a single comment on that post (since I turned comments on last month I’ve only deleted three comments), and I think it shows that it’s probably a good policy to turn comments off after only a day. I do read every comment that is left on this site, every single one, just like I read every single email I get in my inbox. I consider that part of my job, that if you take the time to weigh in on an issue here I owe you the courtesy of listening to what you have to say. That is the one thing I can promise my readers, that I will listen to them.

Jon and I have had a really weird month, and I’m not going to get into any of the details, just that we’re still trying to figure out what the hell we’re doing and how to respond to the support and the criticism and the public way things in our life are played out. I just wanted to take a moment here and say thank you. Thank you for your email and for taking the time to comment. Thank you for your overwhelming support. I have needed it and it has helped me. It does not go unnoticed.