Yesterday we put the final touches on the office makeover, meaning I went out to the trash, dug out the Tiki head Tryant so casually tossed out, and set it back on the shelf in his office:
He just better be happy I didn’t take the whole theme to the extreme and set a palm tree in the window next to a plastic figurine of a barely dressed woman doing the hula. Because they would have totally blocked his view of the shirtless Mormon boys who mow our yard every Tuesday.
Going into this project I didn’t have any idea how much work it would involve to design the space, and now that I’m on this side and can look back at it, all I have to say is boy, do I ever need a hot dog.
There were just so many logistics and tight ropes and hoping that this or that would be delivered in time. Not big problems, no, just really time consuming and having to be at home between eight and ten or five and nine so that we didn’t miss the delivery truck. Which is not normally a big deal when you’re working from home, except when you’re actively going to marriage counseling, primarily because of the stress of designing and filming an office remodel, your daily calendar starts to eat your face off.
But it’s all good news! Because it’s done! And Leta tried a bagel at school!
Without further ado, here’s our new office:
Next week I’m planning to do an exhaustive post on all the furniture and accessories I chose and where I found them, so if you see anything in particular you want me to address let me know in the comments. Also, you’re more than welcome to tell me how awful it looks, that the tile doesn’t match, or that WE WILL ALL DIE! And in return I can pop my Peter Pan head in from time to time and tell you to suck it.