As you know Marlo recently celebrated her second birthday, and July is the month that both Jon and I celebrate our birthdays. Since I am an ongoing partner with the American Cancer Society (see here and here), they asked if I would once again bring attention to their “More Birthdays” campaign and contest. I’m really excited about this campaign because cancer has affected not only myself but several people close to me, including my stepfather who has battled lymphoma for three years. And a couple of months ago he, too, saw another birthday.
Jon recorded me singing happy birthday to Marlo in June. I promise this won’t make you go deaf. Maybe. I may not be Justin Beiber, but twenty-two years of singing Mormon hymns did teach me a note or two.
The ACS would love for you to create your own musical or artistic expressions and upload them for a chance to win an assortment of prizes, all with the hope of spreading the word for cancer awareness. You can read all about it here.
In the meantime I’m going to go apply more sunscreen.