A moment of five

The Comcast Business Internet service to my home has been up and down and out going on 10 days now throwing the flow of my work day into total chaos as I maneuver between conference calls and driving to places where I can get a wireless connection. Right now I’m connecting my laptop to my phone yet again, hoping that I don’t go over my data plan when I publish this photo. Yes, first world problem, but it’s one of the worst problems to have when you work from home and have to be online the majority of the day. And now I will end this therapeutic paragraph of ranting, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I have a few folders of pictures on my laptop, one filled with photos of Marlo when she was born and the few days after we brought her home. Here is Leta at age five wanting to be in the same room with the baby but keeping a safe distance, reading a copy of The Princess and The Pea. Even in her fingers you can see the length four years has added to her frame.