I wrote recently about a funk that I’ve been in for a few months, and in an effort to try to climb out of it I’ve made a few simple changes to my daily routine. I’ve been spending a lot more time outside, a lot more time taking long walks, and last week I finally started to add some warmer details to this home. Yes, I did the standard unpacking when I moved in last March, but I haven’t hung any art on the walls or personalized the space in any way. I need to make this home my home.
As I cleaned out my laundry room last weekend I found an old copy of House Beautiful and I realized it’s been ages since I took even a few minutes to get lost inside the pages of a well-appointed home. So I decided to spend some time browsing Pinterest looking for inspiration and pinning some of my own finds. Here are some of my favorites from this week.
Clockwise from the top left:
Ecote Lena Acid-Wash Tee Dress pinned to LITTLE BLACK DRESS
Hand lettering by Lisa Congdon pinned to TYPOGRAPHY
An abstract painting by Michael Chase pinned to PAINTINGS
Smith Harness Boots pinned to BOOTS
Black pendant lighting as seen on La Maison d’Anna G. pinned to LIGHTING