I mentioned in my thoughts about my recent juice cleanse that I have been inspired to start cooking more, and the day that I got to eat whole food again I broke out all my Paleo cookbooks (THERE ARE VERY MANY) and bookmarked some meals that I will be trying in the next few weeks. That night I looked at what I had in my refrigerator, did some googling and came across this Paleo carrot soup recipe from Elana’s Pantry, a fantastic resource for information on various special diets and recipes. Her book Paleo Cooking from Elana’s Pantry: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes is one of the staples of my Paleo collection.
I’ll give Elana all the credit for how divine this soup tastes even though I did all the cooking (I chopped and sautéed and blended, Y’ALL!). It was so good, in fact, that I made another batch mid-week and this time added some grilled chicken and topped it off with some sliced avocado. Really comforting and delicious on a cold night, and super easy to make. This will for sure be a go-to meal for me going forward.