Stuff I found while looking around

– affinity579’s photostream on flickr, stunning portraits of wildlife from a Canadian photographer
– The Wire, illustrated
– An archive of book cover designs and designers
– The New York Times Favorite Book Cover Designs of 2012
– Newtown and the madness of guns:
The people who fight and lobby and legislate to make guns regularly available are complicit in the murder of those children. They have made a clear moral choice: that the comfort and emotional reassurance they take from the possession of guns, placed in the balance even against the routine murder of innocent children, is of supreme value. Whatever satisfaction gun owners take from their guns—we know for certain that there is no prudential value in them—is more important than children’s lives. Give them credit: life is making moral choices, and that’s a moral choice, clearly made.
– Fascinating Photos of the World’s Grandmas and Their Delicious Home-Cooked Meals
– Gale-Force Winds Directly to the Face
– 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year (thank you so much for this, Alexa)
– The 19 Most Mystifying Cher Tweets of 2012
– SHUT UP: Downton Abbey Gingerbread House 2012
– Protip: If the apocalypse happens, make sure you’re nowhere near the Statue of Liberty
– Jerry Seinfeld on How to Write a Joke
– The Year That Was and Wasn’t: We gathered writers and thinkers to consider everything that happened over the past 12 months and asked them: What were the most important events of 2012—and what were the least?
– Famous People Playing Themselves Supercut
Some of favorite recent tweets:
Start an argument by adding another woman to the stick-figure family decals on the back of a minivan
— Mickey McHollyWreath (@Mickey_McCauley) December 19, 2012
Well if “right now” isn’t an acceptable response, why did you ask when I want to retire? I would like a new financial advisor
— Jeffrey Brian (@sweet_toof) December 18, 2012
Nothing says ‘I dont take you seriously’ like your dog wagging his tail when you are yelling at him.
— Dumpster Muffin™ (@DebraMuffin) October 13, 2012
The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away. Just snatches it. Uses a real racist Asian accent also. Like “too srow grasshoppah.” Not cool.
— Eli Terry (@EliTerry) December 9, 2012
I hope the series finale of Mad Men is an hour of present day Don Draper trying to get rid of pop-up ads.
— Steven Amiri (@StevenAmiri) December 20, 2012
McDonald’s now has an egg nog shake, or if you’re lactose intolerant you can just get a bucket of cold throw-up.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) December 20, 2012
I bet five minutes after they finally let him join the reindeer games Rudolph was like “why the fuck did I want this”
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) December 13, 2012
Just dropped my iPhone and it was one of those slow motion moments, which is weird because once I dropped my kid it was pretty normal speed.
— Lifey (Christian) (@9to5Life) December 19, 2012
Saw a guy check the expiration date before buying a gallon of chocolate milk. I’ve never been so disgusted by someone’s lack of dedication.
— Schindizzle (@Schindizzle) December 10, 2012
Even if i seem really into what you’re saying, im miles away picturing a giraffe helping a sad horse get something off a high shelf.
— Dan Duvall (@lazerdoov) December 20, 2012