Stuff I found while looking around

– The Big Picture: Protests in Turkey
– Tech Noir: cinemagraphs from famous movies.
– The following is a compilation of what those folks got into in about 5 hours with the [photo] booth… Oh, and we had 11 kegs of beer to fuel the mayhem: Slo-mo Booth Supercut
– The former singer for Freshkills talks about playing in a band no one likes:
Look, there are millions of musicians who will swear to their dying day that they make music for its own sake, and the joy of creation is what it’s all about and if you’re in it for any other reason you are a poseur and a fraud… To them I say, “Cool.” They aren’t wrong. But they’re just better humans than I and therefore outside of my purview. I wanted to be successful. Not rock star successful, but successful enough that I’d be tending bar six months out of the year instead of twelve.
– Turns out Tony Hawk reads dad blogs
– You gonna wanna watch this: “And peoples know this?”
– You can’t kill me, I’m Russian.
– Photos of scenes from Dr. Strangelove recreated using household objects
– How to deal with rude people and command respect starring FLOTUS in GIFs
– This is going to be my reaction from now on whenever anything goes dramatically wrong: Star Spangled Banner Cymbal Fail
– The pros and cons of being tall
– As if it could not get any nerdier: a cappella cover of the Game of Thrones theme
– The Ruins of Normandy: Unpublished Color Photos from France, 1944
– Samuel Beckett Used to Drive André the Giant to School, All They Talked About Was Cricket
– The Pace of Productivity and How to Master Your Creative Routine:
The notion that I do my work here, now, like this, even when I do not feel like it, and especially when I do not feel like it, is very important. Because lots and lots of people are creative when they feel like it, but you are only going to become a professional if you do it when you don’t feel like it. And that emotional waiver is why this is your work and not your hobby.
– “Bill and John have been together for 54 years. Their story shows clearly why the freedom to marry matters to gay and lesbian couples.”
Sorry just got your text. Do you still need to go to the hospital?
— Mae (@mzeld) February 23, 2013
I want my hearse to have ‘JUST DIED’ written on the windshield with cans tied to the rear bumper.
— Bread John (@Breadery) June 4, 2013
right before I have sex I tell the guy if you put a baby in me I’m going to pull it out and hit you with it
— Sarah Beattie (@nachosarah) May 27, 2013
If you don’t have anything nice to say, write it under some Youtube videos.
— Trevor S (@trevso_electric) June 5, 2013
My 4 year old and I are having an argument.I’m telling him that he is making me late for work and he’s telling me that he is Batman.
— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) April 25, 2012
If you’re wearing khaki above the waist I’m going to assume you know everything about every animal.
— tony logan (@tnylgn) June 3, 2013
Humans instagram a pic of their feet by a pool & people comment “jealous!” But robots do it & everyone’s like “Don’t do it! Think it over”
— Jeffrey Brian (@sweet_toof) May 19, 2013
Just ate a sandwich that was so bad I threw it away angrily and told passersby “It knows what it did.”
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) May 12, 2013
If you see me counting on my fingers it’s not cause I suck at math I’m just writing haikus
— Dan Duvall (@lazerdoov) June 3, 2013
You had a great time in the park with your kite that looks like a hawk but 6 mice died of heart attacks.
— Ceej (@ceejoyner) June 3, 2013