– Liv and Phileas’ photo stream on flickr. Coco is super jealous.
– How Much Caffeine Before I End Up in the E.R.?
– What If the World’s Soil Runs Out?
A rough calculation of current rates of soil degradation suggests we have about 60 years of topsoil left. Some 40% of soil used for agriculture around the world is classed as either degraded or seriously degraded – the latter means that 70% of the topsoil, the layer allowing plants to grow, is gone.
– Hilarious bad lip reading of NFL players
– Los Angeles Overreacts to Cold Temperatures
– Andrew Sullivan’s quote for the day:
Every straight person already knows everything important there is to know about a gay person’s needs and loves and lives. Just look in the mirror. We are human before we are gay or straight. We are you.
– The Inspiration Archive, collected by Teodorik
– This is hilarious, but now I’m going to have nightmares for, oh, the rest of my life.
– 2013 New Years resolutions illustrated
– I can guarantee you that before this happened not one of these three people ever left a bad tip.
– This. This is for Cami.
You sometimes need to magnify something, describe it amply in a roundabout way. And in the process you discover something.
A few of my favorite recent tweets:
An easy way to tell if a girl is drunk is if she reminds you every few minutes.
— Hakim Givens (@illTortuga) January 10, 2013
“I was mad at you 4 seconds ago but then I looked at you and I’m not mad now” is my relationship with my dog.
— Matt Allard (@lifeserial) January 15, 2013
I have an important message for all the kittens, so hear meowt
— Trevor S (@trevso_electric) January 16, 2013
Wife: Where you been?Me: Would you believe work?Her: NoMe: Shopping?Her: NoMe: Lets save time by you telling me what you would believe.
— Aristotles (@AristotlesNZ) January 16, 2013
I work in customer service. That means I’ll be polite and have a smile on my face while I ruin your life.
— Tumbleweed (@SlipCarefully) October 27, 2012
Me: We should send flowers to the neighbor who helped us fix the roof. Her: I was thinking of baking him a cake. Me: But he helped us.
— dudi sharon (@Thedudish) November 7, 2012
Before kids I did a lot less screaming from the toilet.
— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) January 8, 2013
How was Hogwarts, people who can get their straw in a Capri Sun on the first try?
— sammy rhodes (@prodigalsam) January 4, 2013
Being an adult and a mom means that I don’t crank call people anymore unless my kids are asleep.
— Denise (@StellaRtwot) January 16, 2013
Like you’ve never thought about giving Adderall to a turtle.
— Noog (@NoogsCorner) January 11, 2013